Bright Hospital Op Shop donates $87,000 for gastroscope equipment to support procedural services at Bright Hospital.
21 March 2022
Photo L to R: Bright Hospital Op Shop Committee: Paul Harvey (President), Lois Matthews (Treasurer), Sarah Fagan (Alpine Health - Health Services Manager, Bright), Eileen Hunter (Vice President), Lyn Miller (Committee). Absent: Sue DeCahiel (Secretary)
Like many businesses, the Bright Hospital Op Shop have had many challenges keeping their doors open to the public for over the past 2 years. Despite these challenges, they have managed to raise funds to allow the purchase of a new gastroscope, and processing equipment for Alpine Health.
The gastroscope is a thin, flexible telescope. It is about as thick as a little finger. The endoscope is passed through the mouth, into the oesophagus and down towards the stomach and duodenum. The tip of the gastroscope contains a light and a tiny video camera so the operator can see inside your gut.
The new gastroscope and processing equipment allow Alpine Health to meet national standards and improve patient experiences within our facilities.
Alpine Health CEO, Nick Shaw said “we are incredibly fortunate to have the support of the Bright Hospital Op Shop to assist us with meeting national standards and improving patient experiences within our facilities. The gastroscope and processing equipment support the procedural services we can offer at Bright Hospital”
The expansion of procedural services across Alpine Health forms part of the 2021-2022 Alpine Health Corporate Plan which is available from the publications section of the Alpine Health website us/publications
Bright Health Services Manager, Sarah Fagan said ‘on behalf of Alpine Health I’d like to thank the Bright Hospital Op Shop Committee Members and volunteers who so generously donate their time to help us improve our services and ultimately our patient’s experiences within our hospitals.”
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