Mental wellbeing | Alpine Health
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Mental Wellbeing

mental wellbeing word cloud

What is Mental Wellbeing?

Mental wellbeing is about so much more than feeling good. It is closely related to and influenced by other aspects of our health. By assisting our community in prioritising actions towards good mental health and wellbeing, we are able to reduce stigma, increase social connection, improve physical health, and create safer environments. Alpine Health is committed to working with our communities to effect lasting change in improving mental wellbeing through initiatives on self-care education, help-seeking, social connection and support and reduction of substance use.

Act Belong Commit

Alpine Health partnered with the Act Belong Commit campaign in 2024 to spread this important message nationwide! Just as there are things we can and should do to keep physically healthy, there are things we can do to keep mentally healthy.

You can take the Act Belong Commit Mental Wellbeing Quiz to check in on your mental wellbeing.

For more information visit: Act Belong Commit

Following on from mental wellbeing week in 2023, between August and October, additional workshops were held with secondary schools in Mt Beauty, Bright and Myrtleford for years 7 – 10. These sessions targeted emotional awareness, confidence in looking after one’s wellbeing, and knowledge of services and support available to them.

Myrtleford schools have now participated in #Bekindtoyourmind mental wellbeing week for the 3rd year in a row, with their latest participation in April 2024. The week consisted of:

  • Guest speaker Chelsea Frawley presenting on mental health red flags, substance use and how to seek help.
  • Mental wellbeing workshops being delivered to years 7 to 10, providing them with skills to look after their wellbeing and seek support.

Facilitator Lee Couch delivered a deep thinking meditation workshop, which applied ancient and traditional methods, including connectedness with people, spirit and land. This workshop was delivered in Myrtleford on the 18th April 2024, and additional sessions will be provided later in the year to Bright and Mt Beauty. 

dadirri mindfulness workshop

Alpine Shire Council has been supporting the delivery of mental health first aid to young people and parents. The idea of this training is to upskill the community to identify when someone is at need of support, and be able to provide that support in the most effective way possible.

Alpine Health is also exploring the possibility of offering this training more broadly to community.  

The Alpine Saints Myrtleford Football Netball Club Wellbeing Team was formed in 2021 and is now considered a hub where individuals can access support and referrals to improve and maintain mental wellness. The team aims to provide support for those who are experiencing mental health issues and need a confidential ear to listen and direct them to the appropriate support or services before problems escalate. If you want to establish a Wellbeing Team at your club or organisation, please contact us.

myrtleford football netball club wellbeing team with John Pryor

This documentary was screened in October 2023 at Myrtleford and Mt Beauty, and is a true story about love, loss and reconnection through the story of Brenda Matthews. These screenings were hosted by Lee Couch, a proud Gamilaroi woman, who is currently living on Taugurong, Dhudhuroa and Waywuru Country. 125 local people attended and were able to connect through yarning following the film, facilitated by Lee. This film is now available for viewing on Netflix.

the last daughter promotional tile

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