CTCA 5 Phases
Phase 1 & 2 - Get Ready & Get Started (complete)
CTCA Governance developed, including:
Phase 3 - Develop a Profile (complete)
A 10 minute online survey was conducted from December 2021 – January 2022 to hear “What Matters” for people agedbetween 12-25 years and live in the Alpine Shire.
CTC Youth Survey
In September 2019, the CTC youth survey was competed by nine schools across the Alpine Shire by students in Year 5, Year 6, Year 7, Year 9 and Year 11.
The 2019 survey is the third such survey conducted in the Alpine Shire.
- 2009 surveyed students in Myrtleford – CTCM Community Action Plan 2012 - 2015
- 2015 surveyed students from Myrtleford and Mount Beauty – CTCA Community Action Plan 2017 - 2019
- 2019 surveyed students from nine schools across the Alpine Shire
This data provides us with a rich snap shot of the lives of young people in the Alpine Shire and significant longitudinal and comparative data.
Phase 4 - Develop a Plan (in progress)
The Community Board develops a comprehensive Community Action Plan to guide prevention work in the community. This plan outlines chosen evidence-based programs, and relevant outcomes, and allocates roles and responsibility for implementation.
Phase 5 – Implementation and Evaluation (to be completed)
Implementation of the Community Action Plan begins, and the Community Board and Key Leader Groups ensure that evidence-based programs and strategies are implemented with fidelity, and evaluated as planned.