Alpine Independent Aged Care Advocacy Service recognised | Alpine Health
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Alpine Independent Aged Care Advocacy Service recognised for 12 years of dedicated service as they close operations.

6 May 2024

Alpine Advocates past and present with CEO Nick Shaw

Photo: Alpine Advocates (past and present) with Nick Shaw (CEO)

After 12 years of unwavering dedication and commitment to serving the community, the Alpine Independent Advocacy Service has made the difficult decision to close its operations.

The Alpine Advocates started in 2012 after the need for a local support service for older people was identified. The group of highly trained volunteers assisted aged care residents and their families with Powers of Attorney, Medical, Financial and Enduring Guardianship and future care plans. They also received ongoing information, support and referrals from Seniors Victoria.

Over the last 12 years, the Alpine Advocates have provided an invaluable service to the community. Following the Royal Commission into Aged Care and the subsequent reforms, older people are now receiving enhanced supports and the demand for local advocacy has diminished.

Nick Shaw, Alpine Health CEO said Alpine Health would like to thank the Alpine Advocates for their passion and commitment over the years, and their leadership in how we support our most vulnerable members of the community.”

In line with the Victorian Health Privacy Principals, the Alpine Aged Care Advocacy Service proposes to transfer current and previous client records to Alpine Health for safe storage until such time as the records can lawfully be destroyed in accordance with Health Privacy Principle 4.

Should previous clients of the Alpine Aged Care Advocacy Service wish to have their record forwarded to their current health service provider they can make application before the 14 June 2024 by contacting Linda Charles 03 5751 9344.

Media Enquiries

Nadine Peppler 0439 226 706 | [email protected]

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