New CHAG and Consumer Register Positions | Alpine Health
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New CHAG and Consumer Register positions

6 January 2023

Alpine Health has a number of new opportunities for consumers and community members and we are now seeking expressions of interest to join one of the following:

  1. Our Community and Health Advisory Group.
  2. Our new Consumer Register as either a Health Literacy Consultant or Community Consultant
  3. A number of Alpine Health committees as a Consumer or Community Member.

Please express your interest in any of these roles by email to:

Turi Berg, Partnering With Consumer Officer

0438 325 235 | [email protected]

Consumers or community members can make a positive contribution to Alpine Health by joining a committee. These members sit alongside staff to review and guide program and service planning, development and implementation.

The role of consumers and community members on committees is to:

  • Present the consumer perspective
  • Contribute lived experiences
  • Ensure consumer concerns are recognised and addressed
  • Provide feedback to the committee on issues affecting consumers
  • Ensure accountability to consumers

Alpine Health is currently seeking expressions of interest to join the following committees:

  • Population Health Committee
  • Clinical Governance Committee
  • Aged Care Committee
  • Community Services Committee
  • Infection Prevention and Control Committee
  • Consumer Experience Committee
  • Alpine Institute Committee

Download the Guide for Consumer and Community Members on Committees for further information about each committee 

Please express your interest in an email to:

Turi Berg, Partnering With Consumer Officer

0438 325 235 | [email protected]

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