Corporate Planning Day 2023 | Alpine Health
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Corporate Planning Day 2023

18 May 2023

The Alpine Health Board of Directors invite you to help shape Alpine Health’s annual corporate strategic direction for the 2023-2024 financial year at its Corporate Planning Day 2023


  • Wednesday 31 May 2023
  • 9.15am for 9.45am start – 12.30 noon
  • Club Savoy Myrtleford, 252 – 254 Great Alpine Road, Myrtleford
  • Morning tea and lunch provided (Gluten free and vegan options provided)

Register your attendance

Please RSVP by Monday 29 May 2023 at;

We hope to see you there!

Discussion Considerations


Alpine Health’s newly established Strategic Goals from the Service Plan for 2023-2028 are;
  • Improving access
  • Integrated care
  • Improved sustainability
Thinking about these three Strategic Goals;
  • What do you feel are the most important health actions and outcomes for our communities?
  • What are the most important health priorities related to your association with Alpine Health?
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