Community Care Compliant with Aged Care Standards | Alpine Health
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Community Care Compliant with Aged Care Standards

7 June 2023

group of staff from the community care smiling with their hands in the air

Photo L to R : Community Team celebration in Myrtleford

Across two days in early May, Alpine Health  hosted 3 assessors from the Aged Care Quality Commission.

The assessors took a very thorough look into Alpine Health's Community Care program speaking with 30 clients and up to 30 staff. Alongside this, they reviewed client records and policies and procedures.

The final report was received this week and notes that Alpine Health is compliant with all standards and there are no specific areas identified for improvement. The assessment team was very complimentary of the quality and care Alpine Health provides to its community clients. 

Thank you to all staff involved in the assessment. This result is a reflection of the ongoing high-quality care that each staff member provides on a daily basis. Well done and congratulations on this outcome!

Media Enquiries

  • Emma Ghys | Director of Healthy Communities | 0417 549 064 
  • Nadine Peppler | Marketing & Communications Officer | 0439 226 706


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