Announcing our new Strategic Service Plan 2023-2028 and Corporate Plan for 2023-2024
18 August 2023
Today, we announced the launch of our new Strategic Service Plan 2023-2028 and Corporate Plan for 2023-2024.
We will build on our current strong foundations as a multi-purpose service to deliver seamless care across the consumer journey. We will lead key initiatives that contribute to system wide reforms that improve the responsiveness of healthcare services to consumers, deliver safe and high quality services closer to home and leverage new technologies and best practice models of care delivered through an integrated service system.
The 2023 -2028 Service Plan outlines what needs to be done in the next five years and why. The Plan aligns health service delivery with community needs, which have been determined through community engagement, stakeholder consultation and environmental analyses. The Plan also aligns Alpine Health with state and federal health priorities.
Guided by this plan, our efforts will focus on providing seamless care across the consumer journey through three key strategies;
- Improve access
- Deliver integrated care, and
- Improve sustainability.
The 2023-2024 Corporate Plan establishes the key focus of our work over the next 12 months and seeks to progress the themes established in the Strategic Services Plan 2023-2028.
Nick Shaw, CEO Alpine Health said “To be successful, our strategic and corporate plans rely on having a strong base, with workforce, partnerships, digital transformation, and infrastructure important enablers to the progression of our goal to deliver integrated high quality and accessible care responsive to the needs of our local population.”
“Thank you to all staff, stakeholders, volunteers and community members who have contributed their ideas and participated in community consultation to help shape the future direction of Alpine Health services!” he said.
Media Enquiries
Nadine Peppler 0439 226 706 | [email protected]