Local GPs commence COVID-19 Vaccine Program rollout for Priority Group 1b

Photo L to R: Standish Street Surgery will provide immunisations from the Myrtleford RSL Hall. Kerri-Anne Serong, Admin Standish Street Surgery, Bryan Meehan - Myrtleford RSL President, and James Wei - GP Standish Street Surgery pictured setting up the vacination fridge.
In late March and early April, Alpine Shire Medical Centres, Mt Beauty Medical Centre, Bright Medical Centre, and Standish Street Surgery will commence the rollout out of the community based COVID-19 vaccine program for Priority Group 1b to Alpine Shire residents. Included in this priority group are;
- Critical and high risk workers including defence, police, fire, emergency services and meat processing
- Other health care workers
- Elderly adults aged 80 years and over
- Elderly adults aged 70-79 years
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults
- Adults with a specified medical condition
- Adults with a disability who have a specified underlying medical condition
Due to the limited number of doses each town will receive, the delivery of COVID-19 Vaccines will initially focus on critical and high risk workers including defence, police, fire, emergency services and meat processing. Medical Centres will invite their eligible patients to participate in the vaccine program as each phase of the vaccination program commences.
As more doses become available, Alpine Health in partnership with the Medical Centres will establish Alpine Community COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics across the three townships to support a broader rollout for the community.
The vaccine delivered to the Medical Centres will be the AstraZeneca Vaccine. The COVID-19 vaccine is voluntary and free. In choosing to vaccinate it will help reduce the risk and impact of the virus and help keep you, your family and the community safe.
About the AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine
The AstraZeneca vaccine has been provisionally approved by the TGA for people 18 years and older and requires two doses administered 12 weeks apart. More information about the AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine can be found at health.gov.au
Should I get the COVID-19 Vaccine?
All vaccines are thoroughly tested for safety before they are approved for use in Australia. This includes careful analysis of clinical trial data, ingredients, chemistry, manufacturing and other factors.
We urge Alpine Shire residents to talk to their GP about the vaccine so they can make informed decisions about their individual health needs.
Call the National coronavirus and COVID-19 vaccine helpline if you need more information about COVID-19 or COVID-19 vaccines. This number operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
1800 020 080
COVID-19 vaccine enquiries
Eligibility Checker
COVID-19 vaccines will be available in phases. Groups of people get the vaccination at different times. The groups are Phase 1a, Phase 1b, Phase 2a, Phase 2b and Phase 3. Use the Department of Health COVID-19 vaccine eligibility checker to find out when you can receive a COVID-19 vaccine.
Media Enquiries - Nadine Peppler, Marketing & Communications Officer | 0488 444 367 | [email protected]