Corporate Planning 2021 - 2022

18 February 2021
Alpine Health hosts an annual planning day to develop organisational activities and actions for the following year. This involves a range of diverse stakeholders coming together to discuss various issues and develop practical solutions.
As you are aware, last year was challenging with first the bushfires and now COVID-19. We would therefore like feedback from our community prior to the planning day. The information you provide will help us better understand the needs and concerns of the community to ensure our planning day is productive and constructive.
If you are interested in sharing your views and experiences on current and future service provision please complete this 15-minute survey -
It is open until Sunday 28th February. The results of this survey will complement the information that members of our Community and Health Advisory Groups have been collecting over recent weeks.
Please note, this community consultation is designed to be exploratory rather than exhaustive. A broader and more in-depth engagement strategy will be developed as part of our 5-year planning process. This will begin later in 2022.
More Information:
Turi Berg | Partnering with Consumers
[email protected]