Alpine Health to open mobile COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic from 12 July
7 July 2021

Photo L to R: Tracy Middleton (Albury Wodonga Health – Public Health Unit), Sarah Fagan (Alpine Health, Health Services Manager Bright), Jaide Barrenechea (Albury Wodonga Health – Public Health Unit), Kelly Barton (Alpine Health, Infection Control & Immuniser)
Alpine Shire residents will soon have greater access to the COVID-19 vaccine, with a mobile vaccination clinic to open at Alpine Health facilities from the 12 July.
Nick Shaw, Alpine Health CEO said ‘the clinic will be a great asset for the community and the planning to open the clinic had been taking place over several weeks.’
“The clinic will open on Mondays at Bright, Tuesdays at Myrtleford and Wednesdays at Mt Beauty from 12 July and we are very pleased that we have been able to work in partnership with Albury Wodonga Health on its opening,” Nick said.
“Initially we will be vaccinating smaller numbers, but once we have things in full operation, we will be looking at vaccinating up to 80 eligible people a day.
“We would encourage everyone to check their eligibility for being vaccinated at and if they are currently able to be vaccinated, they should phone the Victorian Government COVID hotline on 1800 675 398 or use the online booking system at”
“Initially, we will commence our clinics with AstraZeneca only and then will have access to Pfizer as the vaccine becomes more readily available.”
Nick also said “that people were reminded that the vaccine is free and anyone due for a second dose will receive the same vaccine brand as their first.
“Vaccination is not mandatory, but it is the only known way to fight this virus so we would encourage people to come forward and be protected against COVID-19,” Nick said.
More Information
Nadine Peppler | Marketing and Communications Officer, Alpine Health
0488 444 367 | [email protected]