Protecting our residents, patients and clients
For immediate release 05/03/20

Picture: Nurse Erin Graves, using the Hand Hygiene Station at the entrance to Bright Hospital.
The Department of Health and Human Services is providing regular updates to our health services and medical practices on the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Alpine Health in partnership with our local GP practices are making preparations for dealing with coronavirus to maintain a coordinated management approach.
“Alpine Health is keeping well informed and undertaking the required screening and assessment of presentations and admissions to our facility and ensuring staff are up to date with the Chief Health Officer’s alerts. All of us can play our part when it comes to slowing the spread of this virus" said Lyndon Seys CEO, Alpine Health.
If you have recently returned from overseas and are ill, please phone ahead
If you are ill, have a fever, or an acute respiratory infection and have travelled to (including transit through) mainland China, Iran, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Singapore, Italy, South Korea or Thailand in the last 14 days OR had contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19, you should phone ahead before attending a GP clinic, urgent care or emergency department. They will tell you what to do.
Protecting yourself and your family
The best way to protect yourself and your family is to pay attention to good hand and respiratory hygiene.
- Cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing with a tissue, or cough into your elbow, dispose of the tissue into a bin and then wash your hands afterwards.
- Wash your hands regularly, after using the toilet and before eating.
- Get the flu shot (available April)
- Isolate yourself at home if you feel sick. If you take medication ensure you have adequate supplies.
Protecting our aged care residents and hospital patients
Early indications are that the elderly and people with pre-existing medical conditions are more at risk of experiencing severe symptoms. To protect our most vulnerable people we are asking family, friends and carers to;
- Please use the hand hygiene stations provided at the entry points of our facilities before you enter.
- DO NOT visit family members or friends currently in hospital or in Kiewa Valley House, Barwidgee Lodge or Hawthorn Village, if you have been ill, have a fever, or an acute respiratory infection and have travelled to (including transit through) mainland China, Iran, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Singapore, Italy, South Korea or Thailand in the last 14 days OR had contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19.
Protecting our community clients
Community Care and District Nursing provide services in client’s homes and may provide services to a number of clients in a single day. To reduce the spread of infection, we ask that clients let us know if they or someone at home is unwell. Clients are being contacted by mail around what to do if someone is unwell and the impact on services.
Lyndon Seys said "We thank you for your assistance and understanding as we continue to provide the best possible care to your family and loved ones within our care.”
For the latest information and advice on the Coronavirus (COVID 19) visit the Department of Health and Human Services.