Community Care Services Update | Alpine Health
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Services on 'Extreme or Catastrophic' Declared Days

The State of Victoria has adopted a Fire Danger Rating (FDR) to assist the communities understanding of what is meant by fire danger. These ratings recognise the significant increase in severe bushfire conditions over the past decade and the subsequent greater level of danger to the community. As a consequence an "Extreme or Catastrophic" fire danger warning has been developed as a measure of determining days where contributing factors represent an unprecedented fire danger.

On "Extreme or Catastrophic' declared days, as part of our Occupational Health & Safety requirements for staff, the Alpine Health Community Care Service will have the following service delivery arrangements:

  • Only Personal Care and Meals on Wheels services will be provided within the townships of Bright, Myrtleford and Mount Beauty.
  • All Domestic Assistance and Respite Care services will be cancelled.

You will be notified directly by staff if your service is to be cancelled on 'Extreme and Catastrophic' declared days, to enable you to make any other necessary arrangements.

It is important to have a plan about leaving early on high risk fire danger days. Clients are encouraged to discuss the issue with family and friends. If you still require further information contact your local Country Fire Authority Service.

Updating Emergency Contact Details

To ensure Alpine Health has the most current and appropriate Emergency Contacts and their phone numbers on your client file, we kindly ask you to confirm these details with our alpine@home or indigo@home administration staff next time you call our office on 03 5755 0142.

Thank you!

Peter Burgess 

Healthy Ageing Manager


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