Better Public Aged Care Facilities in Bright | Alpine Health
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Better Public Aged Care Facilities in Bright

3 May 2022

Mr Mark Gepp, Member for Northern Victoria and Alpine Health Board and Management.

Mr Mark Gepp, Member for Northern Victoria and Alpine Health Board and Management.

Photo LtoR: Donovan Jacka (Board Chair), Mandy Clayton (Hawthorn Village), Nick Shaw, (CEO), Mark Gepp, Sarah Fagan (Bright HSM), David Leggo (Board)


The Andrews Labor Government is ensuring older Victorians get the high-quality aged care and comfort they deserve, with planning underway for a modern redevelopment of a public aged care facility in Bright.

Member for Northern Victoria Mark Gepp today announced the Victorian Budget 2022/23 will deliver $1.52 million to design and plan for the Bright Health Precinct and redevelopment of Alpine Health’s Hawthorn Village.

The planning process will map how the current 40-bed Hawthorn Village aged care facility will be transformed with a new facility adjacent to the Bright Hospital that is better and safer home for residents to allow older people to age in place.

The new aged care facility being planned at Alpine Health will provide an environment that is dementia friendly and better suited to supporting mental health and the complex care needs of older Victorians. 

Residents will be accommodated in single bedrooms with a private ensuite, in settings that promote dignity, privacy and independence.

Member for Northern Victoria, Mark Gepp said “this is great news for local families. We’ll be planning for facilities that will cater to residents’ needs, meaning they can stay connected to their local community.”

“No matter where you live in Victoria, people should be able to access aged care services which provide the best and most modern care and support.”

Alpine Health CEO, Nick Shaw said “we are incredibly delighted to receive this funding, which will allow us to take the next critical step and move forward to the detailed planning stage of the Bright Health Precinct”

The project is part of the Regional and Rural Public Sector Residential Aged Care Services Revitalisation Strategy, to modernise ageing facilities which are home to some of our most vulnerable older Victorians.

The strategy aims to progressively replace dated public sector facilities with purpose-built facilities that better meet community expectations and enable modern models of aged care that are focused on residents and delivered in a home-like setting.

We are investing more than $142 million in the Victorian Budget 2022/23 to redevelop and upgrade public sector residential aged care services, including new and refurbished aged care facilities at locations including Mansfield District Hospital and Orbost Regional Health.

Minister for Disability, Ageing and Carers Anthony Carbines said “we’re continuing to support our regional aged care services to ensure they deliver the care older Victorians deserve.”


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