Student Placement | Alpine Health
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Undergraduate Student Placement

Welcome to your undergraduate placement with Alpine Health. To make your time with us run as smoothly as possible, please read the following information carefully;

Students are required to complete the Alpine Health Induction & Hand Hygiene modules before commencing on Day One.

All students attending placement will be required to conform to the Alpine Health code of conduct and adhere to the values of Alpine Health. They reflect the attitudes, behaviours and approaches that are important in creating a learning and work environment where excellence, safety and quality are the culture of our organisation.

Please read Alpine Health’s Code of Conduct for further information regarding acceptable behaviour, privacy & confidentiality & conflict of interest, and Alpine Health’s values.

Alpine Health offers student accommodation in Myrtleford, Bright & Mt Beauty (subject to availability).

For all student accommodation enquiries please email or phone 03 5751 9411 during business hours to discuss availability and costs.

  • If you are staying in Alpine Health accommodation and are travelling to the region on the day before the placement begins, you are required to arrive no later than 4 pm.
  • Please enter the main hospital and ask for the nurse in charge. They will guide you to your accommodation and provide you with further instructions.
  • If for unforeseen circumstances, you are late please phone the hospital and speak with the nurse in charge: Myrtleford 03 5751 9300, Bright 03 5755 0100, Mt Beauty 03 5754 3500.

The handbook is designed to provide the preliminary information you require upon commencing your placement with Alpine Health, The Handbook directs you to resources that will advise and support you during your time at Alpine Health.

Student Handbook

Instructions for Day One

  • Park in the staff car park
  • Enter via the main entrance, perform a RAT & Hand Hygiene before entering the front foyer
  • Follow directions or ask for assistance to the Nurse's station
  • Please introduce yourself to the staff and ask where to place your belongings
  • Please ensure you have a fob watch with a seconds hand, pens & notebook and are bare below the elbows for your placement shifts
  • After handover, the staff will allocate you to a buddy nurse for your shift. Orientation will occur throughout your first shift
  • Please seek out your Nurse Unit Manager and introduce yourself

We have a clinical support nurse one day per week who also works on the floor and will be involved in your placement.

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