Graduate Nurse Program
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Graduate Nurse Program

Gradute Nurse Program 2025

Photo: Graduate Nurse Program 2025 L to R -  Rhys Gloury (Alpine Health CEO), Nis Chhetri (Graduate Nurse), Daisy Laithang (Graduate Nurse), Ashleigh Fenton (Graduate Nurse), Zen Tan (Graduate Nurse), Kelly Barton (Alpine Health Executive Clinical Director), Jodie Germaine (Graduate Nurse), Helen Giles (Alpine Health Education & Training)

About the Program

Alpine Health’s Graduate Nurse Program (GNP) Myrtleford, Bright and Mt Beauty, is designed to support your career pathway by incorporating best practice foundations, high quality mentorship and opportunities for enhanced skill development.

Dedicated staff will lead you through a successful 12 month transition aimed at consolidating and developing your knowledge, skills, attributes and confidence. During the program clinical experiences will provide a variety of exposures for graduates where the rural nursing environment is unique, diverse and challenging.

By completing a rural GNP with Alpine Health, we aim to provide the graduate nurse with an understanding of the versatility of nursing practice opportunities available in rural settings.

The Alpine Health Graduate Nurse Program offers a 12-month supportive, educational and mentoring experience with the following aims and objectives:

  • To facilitate the transition from newly graduated registered nurse to beginning practitioner
  • To facilitate and develop the knowledge, skills and attributes required to fulfil the registered nurse  position
  • To develop registered nurses that provide up to date, evidenced-based practice through lifelong  learning and professional development
  • To ensure novice registered nurses exhibit behaviour and practices in accordance with the;

  • To provide a supportive learning environment in which the registered nurse feels comfortable to seek assistance and advice
  • To facilitate and provide opportunities which encompass a range of experiences
  • To provide opportunities for registered nurses to grow and become well-rounded, dynamic professionals
  • To strengthen the registered nurses ability and confidence to work independently and as part of a team
  • To enhance decision making and critical thinking skills of the registered nurse

  • Alpine Health offers two clinical rotations over the year, being acute care & aged care.
  • Additional areas of interest are facilitated, subject to availability, and may include:

·         sub-acute medical,

·         urgent care,

·         district nursing,

·         residential aged care,

·         antenatal/ post-natal services,

·         perioperative and

·         haemodialysis

  • Orientation upon commencement, supernumerary days at the beginning of each rotation
  • Five study days throughout the year in addition to the mandatory training requirements of the RN role
  • Clinical Support is provided weekly and as required.

To apply for a Graduate Nurse position at Alpine Health Service, Graduates must be eligible and meet the essential criteria for Graduate Nursing and Midwifery Program (GNMP) website.

Alternatively, you can apply directly to Helen Giles GNP Coordinator at [email protected]

Please submit the following documents;

  • Careers intention paragraph
  • Academic transcript
  • Copies of summative assessment for your last two student placements
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